Friday, June 4, 2010


Well, we made it through the busy Memorial Day Weekend, but each day took a tole on Dennis' breathing and ability to catch his breath as he performed the duties in the park.  We handed in our resignation on Sunday morning of Memorial Day Weekend telling them we would hang in there for two weeks if they wanted us that long.  Business after Memorial Day was expected to drop off considerably so our managers graciously told us to leave whenever we were ready.  We packed on Memorial Day and left Bear Den Campground on Tuesday morning.  Our first night en route to Florida was spent at Cade's Cove, TN and we had the opportunity to drive the 11-mile loop two or three times in search of wild life.  We saw many turkey, deer and three black bears!  The next night was in the mountains of north Georgia and presently we are in southern Georgia and will be home today!  We are not going to try to work again right away.  Dennis needs to rest and we have had to face the fact that he may no longer be able to perform the campground work that he has done in the past!  Thank you all for checking in on us and we will keep you posted.