Sunday, June 14, 2009


Yesterday started out beautiful and the boaters and fishermen flocked to the lake! But by early afternoon the clouds had started building and shortly after that we heard rain on the roof again! The rain turned into HAIL about the size of marbles! No damage done except that it brought everyone off the lake in a hurry and it was pretty quiet after that! Phoebe tries to hide even with rain on the roof and she was really scared with the large hail pounding on the roof. There is no place she can crawl under (like the bed) so I covered her with her towel and that seemed to make her feel safe.

Here are a few more photos that Denny took recently. This Blue Heron seems to be a resident as he visits our docks frequently. The Blue Gill fish are abundant under the docks.

We came upon this YOUNG BUCK in the woods on one of our backroad rides:

This group of horseback riders visited our boat launch to water their horses and take a break a couple of days ago. They rode from Nemo, a small horse oriented community about 8 or 9 miles from here by road...but they were able to come across lots via old trails and it was a little over 5 miles for them! Coincidentally, we had just drove to Nemo that morning and had breakfast at the NEMO GUEST RANCH BRANDING IRON RESTAURANT. The guest ranch consists of a general store, restaurant and several cabins as well as accommodations for horses. There is also a trail ride business there, about a half dozen homes, a community church and a two story building that looks like it used to be a school house but now might be town offices. These particular horseback riders shared with us that they have been coming to NEMO, SD for several years now on family vacations...they trailer their horses with them and go on trail rides out of NEMO! These two or three families consisted of adults as well as children and had traveled here from Minnesota. We really enjoyed talking with them, especially since we had just been to NEMO that morning and could picture exactly where they rode from.

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