Tuesday, September 22, 2009


For those of you still following this Blog...YES, we did in fact arrive home safe and sound during the afternoon of September 21st to temps in the high 90's.

The Internet connections in SD as well as while traveling were so poor that I was not able to add everything I really wanted to share with you...so, now I am going backwards and share some of the special highlights.

The first entry will be the BLACK HILLS WILD HORSE SANCTUARY at Hot Springs, SD. For any of you that know me...you probably remember that I have been a life-long lover of HORSES!!!
This was definitely a major highlight in our entire summer to be able to visit and spend two nights at this wonderful place. It was just like stepping into the OLD WEST.

A man named Dayton O. Hyde started this Wild Horse Sanctuary in 1988 and it is now home to hundreds of unwanted mustangs on over 11,000 acres of land. Mr. Hyde and his staff of volunteers are devoted to these horses and provide them the freedom to roam canyons, and prairies in an area where the sky goes on forever! Support for the Sanctuary comes from donations, beqests, grants, tourism and the sale of foals.
Older Foals for Sale...the sale of foals has been hurt by the economy so the Sanctuary has too many...in some cases, they have been giving foals away to previous buyers who know will give them a good home.


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