Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Hi All...WHEW...we have only been gone from home in Florida one week today and have already checked in here at Lake Ridge RV Resort...made a trip and visit to Central New York State and returned!!!

We left early last Friday morning and made our way to Treadwell and Oneonta, NY...a 620 mile trip!  We made it in a little less than 12 hours.  We had three nice visits with Dennis' Mother...Saturday, Sunday and Monday...each day we arrived at the nursing home around 10:30 AM and stayed until about 1:30 PM.  Mother hates for them to take her to the dining room to be fed so Irma feeds her in her room when she is there.  Mother is confined to a "Gerry Chair".  She broke her leg over a year ago and can not bend her right leg so it has to remain in a reclined position.  We took the laptop with us and played a slide show of photos for Mother that showed her where we are working and current photos of Randy and Russ and their homes and family.   Here is a photo of us visiting with Mother.  Mother will be 96 this coming December!

We left NY yesterday (4/27/2010) around 7 AM and arrived back here at Lake Ridge in VA a little after 7 PM last evening.  Today has been filling out paperwork, laundry and shopping!  We do not know yet exactly the day and time that we will begin our work!  This is beautiful country...we will post photos as soon as we get some!

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