Friday, July 2, 2010


Hey everyone...I (Linda) am going "on the road again"!!!!  My sister, Phyllis, invited both of us to accompany her to NY State in her motor home.  Dennis declined in that he did not feel up to packing up all his breathing apparatus...oxygen, CPAP and nebulizer and making another trip quite yet this summer!  So-o-o, he said I should grab the opportunity to spend this time with my sister and go along with her.  We will take off tomorrow morning...stopping for a few days visit in GA first.  Phyllis' oldest son, Steve lives in GA as well as our sister, we will visit there until Tuesday when we will hit the road again northward bound  to Central NY State!!!!  I will try and keep everyone posted with photos and "goings on"!!!  She usually spends the month of July in NY State, but she said we could "play it by ear", I am not sure exactly when we will be returning to FL.  Below is Phyllis' new camper van that we will be traveling it!  Amazingly it has everything in it that a big motor home has...just on a smaller scale!  Thanks for tuning in!

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