Wednesday, July 25, 2012


We wondered if Kiotie would recognize the fact that he was "Home"...well, YES...he certainly seemed to be VERY happy to be home! One of the first things we did was grab a rawhide bone that had been left behind and jumped up on the couch and just stretched out very leisurely as if saying..."This feels SO good!"

Kiotie playing with his new tug toy that cousin, Agnes, made and gave to him while in NY.  He was very possessive of it right from the start and growled at me when he thought I was going to take it from him!  Once he figured out that we would be playing with him with it and pulling on it, he would let us take hold of it!  It is strips of felt type material braided together and knotted on each end and he REALLY loves it and loves to tug it as well as shake it!

This is how Kiotie traveled in his crate! We didn't know how he would do as he is still young and VERY ACTIVE...but he did excellent and was happy to meet everyone!


Phoenix (almost 13) and Great Grandma Phyllis
Linda and Dennis...50 years later in New York State!!!
I helped Phyllis drive her motor home and Dennis and our puppy, Kiotie drove and rode in our car (the Cruz would not hold 4 people and pup as well as all our gear!)  

Whew...the time FLEW by over the past couple of weeks!  We left home on July 9 heading to NY State for my 50th Class Reunion and reconnecting with friends of long ago as well as visiting Dennis' Mother (who will celebrate her 98th birthday in December), his sisters, nieces, nephews and cousins on both of our sides of the family!  What a SUPER time with short visits with as many as we could work in!  The trip came upon us rather suddenly as we first thought we would not be able to make it...then our double wide sold, we were able to trade off our truck for a much more economical Chevy Cruz and we decided to "just do it"!!!  We called my sister, Phyllis, in Palmetto to see if she would like to go along and she said she would and would drive her motor home and take her Great Granddaughter, Phoenix along with her...what a treat to make a trip with your Great Granddaughter!!!  Phoenix is 12...soon to be 13 in August so she was at a good age to enjoy travel and meeting lots of family members she had never seen before! Denny and I were happy to have a wonderful opportunity to getting to know Phoenix also...even tho we only live a little over an hour from each other we had not seen much of her since she was a baby!

 Evenings were spent playing games...Phoenix held her own against us older folks...we all had a fun time!

Denny's sister, Irma, Phoenix, Linda and Phyllis.
We were hoping for COOL weather and it did NOT happen...the temps were in the 100's all the way from Florida to upstate NY and continued many of the days while we were in NY!  Folks up that way are just not used to such high temps...or when it does happen it usually doesn't last more than a day or so!  Thankfully, we had the only room in the house that was air conditioned!  We stayed at Dennis' sister, Irma's home in Treadwell and Phyllis parked her motor home in Irma's driveway also for several nights and spent a few nights over at the Maywood Historical Depot in Sidney Center where she still actively helps out with various tasks of the historical group.

We visited Kellogg cousins in Walton at the home that our Great Grandfather built in the early 1900's and enjoyed their hospitality and homemade dessert on the huge front porch with lots of reminiscing and laughter.

We met with cousins on our Dad's side of the family at The Spot Restaurant in Binghamton,  THANKS Frank and Charlotte for treating us to a delicious lunch and for driving over to spend a few minutes with us...we always enjoy getting together with you folks!

More cousins from the Anderson side of the family met  at Brooks BBQ at Oneonta, NY followed by more fellowship, laughter and ice cream with fresh blueberries dessert at Irma's home in Treadwell, NY.  Denny, Linda, Donna, Agnes, Irma, Phyllis, George and Quint...what a wonderful visit with lots of food, laughter and fun!

We attended an ice cream social at the Maywood Depot in Sidney Center.  Also visited our sister-in-law outside of Sidney Center and rode many of our favorite back roads and revisited where we grew up as kids. 

SO many years have brought MANY changes...only the hills of the Catskill Mountains remain the same...the pastures and meadows of our old farms have grown up and many of them are now woods...roads are paved that were always dirt when we were kids...MANY changes...all of the buildings of our farm have been gone for many years and the buildings on Denny's farm are different except the barn and that has not been used for many years now!  What was once an area of many small independent farms now has "summer folks from the City"  occupying the most cases the farms are no longer active but in some cases the hay is harvested by one of the few remaining farmers!

This is the homestead of Dennis' grandparents...a grand old house that needs some TLC!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


We arrived in NY State on July 11

My 50th Class Reunion is July 13,14 & 15
Linda visiting with schoolmate, Gracie had been MANY, MANY years since we had seen each other!  We had been in school together ALL the way through grade and high schools!

There was an Open House at our high school and I toured it with a friend, Jeff (worked at the Victory Store in Unadilla when we were in high school)!  We sat under a shade tree to reminisce as well as look at his postcard collection from Sidney, Sidney Center, Unadilla and Bainbridge...SORRY Jeff I did not get a picture of our visit.

The March of Classes was led by 98 year old Ted Elliott who had been in the Class of 1931 (same class as Mother Rosa)...we heard that there were only three members of that class still living!  He was using a walker...but he did it!!!!

It was a HOT day so Dennis and his sister, Irma did not march, but my sister, Phyllis (Class of 1953) each
joined our classes! 


Tiffany and Christina Hall preparing dinner for us!  Their parents and sisters were away on vacation to the Thousand Islands and we were lucky enough to be recipients of a delicious dinner prepared by these two young ladies!!!

  Dennis's Mother has been a resident of the Fox Nursing Facility at Oneonta, NY since 2004 and we visited her as frequently as possible.  All considered, she is doing well even tho she is confined to either the bed or chair.  Her mind is alert and she can do "Word Search" faster than most of us!!!  She does not hear well anymore and her speech is not real clear due to strokes that she suffered several years back!  She refuses most solid foods BUT did perk up when we told her we had sausage gravy and biscuits for breakfast one morning!  When Irma asked her if she would eat some if she brought it to her, she replied "I can not guarantee I could eat it, but I would like to look at it!!!!"

Denny, Mother Rosa, Irma
 We visited Denny's Mother at the nursing home as often as possible. HWe had MANY wonderful visits...Monday at the Nursing Home with Denny's sister, Alice & husband Harry, followed by a luscious lunch at Morey's and Tuesday...again at the Nursing Home with Bob &; Marilyn...all the way from Cicero, NY...a 2-1/2 hour drive, followed...of course by a delicious lunch at Morey's Restaurant in Oneonta!!!

Sunday, July 1, 2012

50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY, Dennis and Linda!

On June 30th we celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary.  The morning began with a scrumptous
 breakfast of Sausage Gravy and Pancakes...then on to Saturday morning yard sales around Bartow and a light lunch and nap!  Our sons and their wives...Randy and Maddie and Russ and Dianna arrived mid afternoon and we all enjoyed an early dinner at Ruby Tuesdays here in Bartow.  Everyone was full but we came home to desserts of Chocolate Cherry Dove Ice Cream Cake as well as Raspberry Elegance 50th Anniversary Cake...yummy...THANKS kids!!!  We all had a wonderful visit while we viewed our wedding pictures on video!  Then they presented us with a surprise gift of 2 nights and 3 days at St. Francis Inn Bed and Breakfast in old St. Augustine, FL!  Check it out at  -- our room will be the Margaret!  It will be in late July...the Mid-week special with gift certificates for a Carriage Ride through old St. Augustine, Lunch at the Columbia Restaurant, Dinner at Collage Restaurant, visit to the St. Augustine many other amenities...can't wait for this adventure