Wednesday, July 18, 2012


We arrived in NY State on July 11

My 50th Class Reunion is July 13,14 & 15
Linda visiting with schoolmate, Gracie had been MANY, MANY years since we had seen each other!  We had been in school together ALL the way through grade and high schools!

There was an Open House at our high school and I toured it with a friend, Jeff (worked at the Victory Store in Unadilla when we were in high school)!  We sat under a shade tree to reminisce as well as look at his postcard collection from Sidney, Sidney Center, Unadilla and Bainbridge...SORRY Jeff I did not get a picture of our visit.

The March of Classes was led by 98 year old Ted Elliott who had been in the Class of 1931 (same class as Mother Rosa)...we heard that there were only three members of that class still living!  He was using a walker...but he did it!!!!

It was a HOT day so Dennis and his sister, Irma did not march, but my sister, Phyllis (Class of 1953) each
joined our classes! 


Tiffany and Christina Hall preparing dinner for us!  Their parents and sisters were away on vacation to the Thousand Islands and we were lucky enough to be recipients of a delicious dinner prepared by these two young ladies!!!

  Dennis's Mother has been a resident of the Fox Nursing Facility at Oneonta, NY since 2004 and we visited her as frequently as possible.  All considered, she is doing well even tho she is confined to either the bed or chair.  Her mind is alert and she can do "Word Search" faster than most of us!!!  She does not hear well anymore and her speech is not real clear due to strokes that she suffered several years back!  She refuses most solid foods BUT did perk up when we told her we had sausage gravy and biscuits for breakfast one morning!  When Irma asked her if she would eat some if she brought it to her, she replied "I can not guarantee I could eat it, but I would like to look at it!!!!"

Denny, Mother Rosa, Irma
 We visited Denny's Mother at the nursing home as often as possible. HWe had MANY wonderful visits...Monday at the Nursing Home with Denny's sister, Alice & husband Harry, followed by a luscious lunch at Morey's and Tuesday...again at the Nursing Home with Bob &; Marilyn...all the way from Cicero, NY...a 2-1/2 hour drive, followed...of course by a delicious lunch at Morey's Restaurant in Oneonta!!!

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